List of the projects implemented /ongoing at PPSS since its beginning with short brief of the project activities

1 Health

Urban Health Centers

Objective: Health services under Urban Health Center at Narayanapuram Slum situated in Machilipatnam town, Gulam Mohinuddin Nagar & Kothapeta of Vijayawada Malkajgiri Municipality

Target families:  20,000 in each center: Total 60,000 in three centers.

Funding agency: Commissioner of Family Welfare, Andhra Pradesh

Mobile Medical Unit

Objective: Medical care including clinical tests for the communities residing in the interior villages of Kruthivennu and Bantumalli mandals in Krishna district

Target families:  24 villages (30,000 families)

Funding agency: Commissioner of Family Welfare Department, Andhra Pradesh

Drinking water

Objective: To ensure safe drinking water supply for the SC community in Mangalapuram,

Funding agency: CAPART

Water and Sanitation

To restore water supply and provide drinking water.
Disposal of liquid waste.
Disposal of solid waste.
Home sanitation and food hygiene.
Personal hygiene.
Environmental hygiene.
Construction of toilets and construction of low cost latrines.

Objective: To promote Water & Sanitation program

Funding agency: CARE India

Objective: Construction of houses to poor in Mangalapuram village

Target families:  55 houses under Rural Housing and Habitat Development

Duration: 2002-2004

Funding agency:  Ministry of Rural Department, Government of India.

Construction of School Building

Objective: School building for SC children

Target families:  120 children of Harijanawada in Mangalapuram

Duration: 1999-2000

Funding agency: CAPART

Adult Literacy

Objective: Total literacy village program

Target families:  Entire Mangalapuram village (1,168 illiterates)

Duration: 2002-2003

Funding agency: PPSS and Villagers

Work Site School for Fishermen Community Migrant Children

Objective: Migrant children of Fishermen Community in Y.S.R. Fishermen Colony, Machilipatnam

Target families:  30 families having Migrant children

Duration: 2004-2006

Funding agency:  Rajiv Vidya Mission (Sava Siksha Abhiyan – SSA)

Family Counseling Center

Objective: Redressal of family disputes and resolve them through legal, police and medical departments

Target families:  Family disputes

Duration: 2003-till date

Funding agency:  Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi

Short Stay Home

Objective: to provide rehabilitation and skill training of the victims of family discord and related disturbances through Stay Homes

Target : families  27, Inmates 1250

Duration: 1-4-2009 – till date

Funding agency:  Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi.

Women and girls in the age between 15 and 35 years who are victims of family discord and related disturbances are being rehabilitated through skill training. Short Stay Home has qualified counselors, superintendent, rehabilitation officer, clerk and 2 servant maids (chowkidars). Periodical Medical Care is provided to inmates by a Medical Doctor.

Objective: to achieve independent economic empowerment of rural women through micro credit

Target families:  1250 SHG groups (22540 women members)

Duration: 2007-2011

Funding agency:  CARE India

On-farm and off-farm livelihood

Objective: to provide rehabilitate saline affected soils for paddy cultivation

Target families:  300 families; 900 acres in Nali, Sorlagondi and Edurumondi

Duration:        2005- 2006 (CARE India); 2008-2010 IDRC-CIDA

Funding agency:  CARE India and M S Swaminathan Research Foundation through IDRC –CIDA

About 400 acres of saline land reclaimed to bring back agriculture in Sorlagondi and Edurumondi villages which were fallow due to salinisation. Similarly irrigation canals were created to irrigate 500 acres in Nali.  These activities completely stopped seasonal migration which was rampant before in these villages. 

Objective: to provide boats and nets to fishermen living in 10 villages in Machilipatnam rural mandal,Avanigadda and Nagayalanka mandals

Target families:  350

Duration: 2005-2006 

Funding agency:  CARE India

Supply of ice boxes

Objective: to provide ice boxes to fishermen living in Giripuram, Machilipatnam rural mandal

Target families:  30

Duration: 2005-2006

Funding agency:  CARE India

9 Dairy

Objective: to provide milch animals to BPL families to enhance livelihood at Mangalapuram, Sorlagondi, Nali and Edurumondi

Target families:  73 families

Duration: 2004 (CAPART) 2008-2010 (IDRC-CIDA), 2012-2014 (DST)

Funding agency:  CAPART and IDRC-CIDA.

10 Sheep rearing

Objective: to provide sheep for BPL families to enhance livelihood at Uttagundam and Nali

Target families: 40 families; 400 animals – 10 each to farmer)

Duration: 2005-2006

Funding agency:  CARE India

Objective: to provide employment for women through skill development (Jewelry)

Target families: 150 families

Duration: 2006 (CARE); 2002 (CFW); 2013-2014 (NIMSE)

Funding agency:  CARE India, Commissioner family Welfare (CFW), National Inst. For Medium and small enterprises (NIMSE)

Promotion of value added fish products
Crop protection
Maintenance of farm machinery through co- management (Tractors and other implements).
Guidance to farmers on technical areas of soil fertility development and integrated in puts used.
Integrated pest management and other agriculture practices
Other need based trainings

Objective: to demonstrate eco-friendly aquaculture

Target families: families; 40 motors; 500 acres

Duration:         2008-2011

Funding agency:  IDRC – CIDA support through M S Swaminathan Research Foundation and Provided 22 electrical motors from IDRC – CIDA supported project through M S Swaminathan Research Foundation and another 18 motors from Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe a Germany based donor for shrimp farming. The operation cost has been drastically reduced and PPSS has linked with NaCSA (National center for sustainable aquaculture) for technical guidance. Now almost all small farmers are adapting the technology and sustaining the eco-friendly shrimp farming from 2008.

14 Integrated Mangrove and Fishery Farming System (IMFFS)

Objective: to demonstrate eco-friendly aquaculture for Yenadi families
Target families: 10 families
Duration: 2007-2010
Funding agency: IDRC – CIDA support through M S Swaminathan Research Foundation

Integrated Mangrove and Fishery Farming System (IMFFS) initiated in Sorlagondi in 4 ha of land. 10 yanadi (tribal) families are practicing aquaculture in this system which is eco-friendly aquaculture where no external inputs are provided. The tribal families culture small size crabs and water crabs to optimal size in the ponds and get good market price.

15 Environment – Mangrove Conservation and Management

Objective: to restore degraded mangroves to protect the coastal community from disasters

Target village: Sorlagondi village

Duration:         2007-2010; 2013-2015

Funding agency:  IDRC – CIDA support through M S Swaminathan Research Foundation and UNDP-GEF Small Grants Project

PPSS with the support of M.S Swaminathan Research Foundation established Mangrove bioshield in 140 ha in Sorlagondi.  The community is involved in protection and management of mangrove plantation.  These mangroves provide coastal security against cyclonic waves and tsunami triggered waves apart from increasing the fishery production. The community also decreased the mangrove dependency particularly for fuel wood and fodder. In addition it has initiated mangrove restoration in 50 ha under UNDP-GEF project.

Objective: to built the capacity of the fishing communities through disaster preparedness

Target village: 10 villages in Koduru mandal

Duration:         2007-2010

Funding agency:  CARE India

PPSS with the support of CARE India built the capacity of the fishing communities to overcome the natural disasters and ensure food security and no loss of human life. The task force teams were formed and trained for various responsibilities

Early warning team
Rescue & Search team
Shelter & Food Management team
Health Hygiene Water & Sanitation team
First Aid Team
Disaster Management team